Picky Piercings

In this area, we will discuss some commonly sought after piercings that we do offer, but with specific prerequisites involving age, structure or prior piercing history. While ALL piercings are anatomy dependent, included in the following list are some of the most common placements we end up turning away due to the anatomy simply not being suited for piercing. Bonus - a quick list of what we absolutely do NOT offer.


Tongue (center or side)

While the tongue itself is not generally a particularly tough heal, it absolutely is one that requires a fair bit of attention for long term success, and as such is offered from 16 up. We firmly recommend avoiding any oral piercings while a client is wearing braces, or if there is awareness that braces will be used at some point in the near future.



Often called ‘dermals', surface anchors, and a million other names - these little shinies can be super fun! However, please be aware that they typically are considered a long term temporary piercing. The average lifespan on these is 1-5 years; where some don’t make it to the minimum, but some way overshoot that 5 year mark. In any event, these can be fairly unpredictable and quite finicky while healing. Contrary to popular lore, these do not require surgical removal - any piercer offering them should also be offering removal. These are available to clients 18 and up.


Aside from this one being extremely anatomy dependent, which is why many are turned away - this is one that has a lot of misconceptions about what it is and how it heals. These beautiful projects are not just two helix or cartilage piercings at all. Even in ideal anatomy with a great procedure and flawless aftercare, these are a very long and finicky heal. We only offer these to clients 16+ with at least one very well established cartilage piercing (ear, not nostril or septum) existing.



Ah, the ever regal looking cheek piercings!! These are a mainstay in the industry, as post healing they can be worn in such a way as to look more delicate or as a total statement! Having said that, it’s not all sunshines and rainbows. These beautiful piercings run directly through some pretty stout facial muscles and are a very long and quite laborious heal. These are well noted for heal times right around 2 years, with a lot of potential for complications in the mean time. This is NOT a beginner piercing for the artist or the client, and should not be taken lightly. These are known for being extremely weepy and many piercers are discontinuing offering them altogether because many clients are not up to the task of this extremely high maintenance heal.

We do offer these at Diamond Dog, however - these are 18+ with at least one well established oral piercing existing; and currently these are on hold until masks are less prevalent due to the potential for additional complications in an already very tricky heal.


Navels are arguably one of the most popular piercing locations on the planet, period. These can be a persnickety heal, based on an area that has a ton of movement and less than ideal vascular structures to support and expedite healing. These are also one of the most common piercings we turn away due to anatomy that we feel cannot safely support a piercing. This one is 15+, with a huge focus on anatomy.


So, what is an outright no??

With time, it seems this section will expand to its own page, but in the meantime - here is the non-negotiable (albeit short) list of the piercings that we will not offer under absolutely ANY circumstances. Please note, for all piercings in this list - aside from not performing them, we will also not offer troubleshooting, jewelry changes or adjustments or basically anything aside from assisting with their removal:

  • *Horizontal Tongue Piercings, including ‘snake eyes’ and ‘scoop’ piercings.

  • *Horizontal Lip Piercings - thanks a lot for bringing that one back, Cardi.

  • *Microdermals in place of ANY oral piercing, in the hands/arms or feet.

  • *Nipple or Genital piercings for any client under 18, regardless of legal emancipation status or parental consent.

  • *Piercings on humans who are pregnant.

  • Transurethral piercings of the vulva.

  • Deep shaft piercings of the penis.

As always, every request that comes through is at the discretion of the artist - but the above list is just outright not performed at all here.

*If you manage to find a piercer who will offer these services - you haven’t found a piercer, you have an uneducated money grabber that doesn’t give a flip about your health and well being, and you deserve better.