Pre-Piercing Tips!


What do I need to do prior to a fresh piercing?

It is SO easy to focus so much on aftercare, that we as piercers and you as clients can forget that the few days and specifically the few hours prior to your procedure can make a world of difference in how the experience as a whole treats you.

Since this is a question we get asked with increasing frequency, it only makes sense to go ahead and provide you with our pre-piercing check list, so that you can have the most smooth and comfortable piercing experience possible!

  • Easier said than done, but more important than you realize - the night before your appointment, try to get a solid night of good rest. This can mean hitting the pillow a bit early, or doing whatever self care works best to ensure you get a good night’s sleep. This can help your body be prepared for the things it will be going through during a piercing.

  • In the day or days leading up to your appointment, stay hydrated! For many of us, this means increasing your water intake - sometimes significantly. A well hydrated body is one that can more readily take the stress associated with having a modification performed.

  • Dress comfortably! Even for those piercings where you will not be removing any articles of clothing, I assure you - I’m not critiquing your fashion choices while you’re on my table. I want you comfortable and content!

  • Within a few hours before your appointment, eat a light meal. I’m not sure which treats clients worse - an empty tummy or one freshly stuffed to the brim with greasy, gnarly junk. One tends to turn into a body stress pass out or strong fatigue from low blood sugar levels, the other turns into a not particularly thrilled, vomit covered piercer. No one wins here. A solid, but light meal is best!! Focus on protein and healthy sugars. My personal go to is some chicken and juice pre-appointment.

  • As always, if you feel sick, under the weather or think you may have been exposed to illness, please contact us to reschedule!

Upon your arrival, here are just a couple more helpful things:

  • Feel free to have photos to show us! We don’t expect you to remember every little name of every little thing - but if a photo made you fall in love with a specific placement - bring it! That can help us help you reach your goals.

  • Have your ID ready. If you are unsure what you need, this information can be found in our FAQ section, or you’re always welcome to contact us for specific identification questions.

  • Questions! Sometimes, during the days and hours leading up to your appointment, you’ll start to wonder all sorts of little things. Don’t hesitate to take note of any of your questions so you can ask anything you need to once you arrive!

  • HAVE FUN! What we are doing is serious work - however, it’s some of the coolest serious work on the planet. This is all fully elective work we are doing, so why not make it a great day? My favorite work days are those filled with delight and laughter.